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 Continued Professional Development (CPD)

In this section you will find Healthcare support material, upcoming training and links to relevant Continued Professional Development (CPD)

York Core Diabetes Curriculum


Save the Date!

Diabetes Primary Care training is returning

The Diabetes Team in York supported by Lilly diabetes educational team have launched the training schedule for diabetes updates for 2023.

There will be a series of 1 hour lunchtime webinars via the “York Diabetes Forum” along with hybrid ½ day workshops which will run at regular intervals throughout the year.  The content will be updated on a rolling annual basis starting February 2023 to February 2024.

The sessions are free to attend and have been arranged clinicians and commissioners specifically for local primary care health care professionals who have an interest in diabetes care.

Meetings will be facilitated by Tara Kadis, Lead Diabetes Nurse, York & Scarborough NHS Foundation Trust and supported by specialist colleagues from both York & Scarborough Teaching hospitals and the Lilly Educational team.

Venue & Times


All ½ day sessions will take place at:

 York Community Stadium

 Kathryn Ave, Monks Cross Dr, Huntington, York YO32 9AF

Refreshments are included.


The following dates have been confirmed:

8th February 2023 – lunchtime webinar 12.30-13.30


½ day sessions 09.00-12.30

1st March (Jorvick Lounge)

3rd May (Jorvick Lounge)

5th July (Jorvick Lounge)

6th September (Directors Lounge)

1st November – this session will be afternoon 13.00 – 16.30 (Jorvick Lounge)


Registration & agenda details to follow soon